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EIM Department Faculty Meetings and Retreats - Agendas and Minutes

3.04 EIM Department Faculty Participation in Setting Policies

The faculty full participate in setting policies. The faculty and staff hold annual fall retreat, meet most weeks of each quarter for one hour, and hold additional meetings as necessary. Examples of matters dealt with during weekly department meetings and annual retreats include student advisement, internship requirements, curriculum planning, strategic planning, classroom civility, senior projects, student clubs, and student involvement in community service, and extra-curricular opportunities. Most policies are set by consensus among faculty and where appropriate, are in concert with those policies outlined by the university. Examples of department faculty meetings and faculty retreat agendas and minutes for 2010-2017 are listed here:

2010-2017 EIM Department Faculty Meeting Agendas and Minutes

2010-2017 EIM Department Faculty Annual Retreat Agendas and Minutes

2017-2024 EIM Department Faculty Annual Retreat Agendas and Minutes

2017-2018 EIM Faculty Meeting Agendas and Minutes

2018-2019 EIM Faculty Meeting Agenda and Minutes

2019-2020 EIM Faculty Meeting Agenda and Minutes

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