EIM Department - RPTA Catalog Proposals and Changes
2.02 EIM Department - RPTA Catalog Proposals and Changes
Curricular assessment is conducted by the Experience Industry Management Department faculty on an on-going basis to develop or modify courses to address emerging industry issues and teaching methods. The COAPRT Accreditation review, the department's Advisory Council, current students, and the University curriculum development process have all been instrumental in identifying curricular changes and improvements. Four curriculum catalogs (2011-13, 2013-15, 2015-17, 2017-19) have been approved since the 2010 self study.
University curricular updates as approved by the Cal Poly Academic Senate Curriculum Committee for the RPTA program. Changes and updates by catalog:
2011-13 RPTA Catalog Changes
2013-15 RPTA Catalog Changes
2015-17 RPTA Catalog Changes
2017-19 RPTA Catalog Changes
2011-13 Curriculum Proposal
2013-15 Curriculum Proposal
2015-17 Curriculum Proposal
2017-19 Curriculum Proposal