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Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Study in Germany at Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences

Certificate of Completion in Sustainable Global Tourism

The Cal Poly's Department of Experience Industry Management has maintained a close working relationship with the faculty at HM Department of Tourism for many years.

We welcome committed students who want to spend a semester abroad in Munich, Germany and acquire a special additional certificate of completion from an International university.

Advantages of the program include:

Preparation for the global job market through a German-American final certificate.

Promotion of global perspectives, as well as intercultural experiences and skills.

Expanding knowledge of sustainable tourism practices.

The certificate of completion is free.

Participation Requirements

You must study abroad to Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences in Munich. See the Cal Poly International Program requirements for application.

Requirements for the Final Certificate

Successful completion of at least 4 courses which includes at least 2 recognized courses completed at HM and at least 2 recognized courses at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Final project on the topic of sustainable global tourism and its presentation. The project is supervised by the academic coordinators of HM or Cal Poly. The project is carried out or completed at Cal Poly.

HM Courses:

• R2.6e Tourism Economics

• R5.2 (R 521/R 522) Sustainable Tourism & Instruments

• R5.3 (R 531/532) International Marketing and Leadership

• R542 Hospitality

• R544 Business startup

• R545 Current Issues in Tourism

• R5.6 Empirical research in Tourism

• R6.3/R7.2KF Sustainable Tourism

• R6.4 Ein Seminar aus dem Gebiet der Sustainability

Cal Poly Courses:

• RPTA 114 Introduction to Hospitality and Travel

• RPTA 313 Sustainability in the Experience Industry

• RPTA 318 Destination Marketing and Management

• RPTA 416 Interpreting Experience Industry Data Analytics

Issuance of the Certificate of Completion

The certificate of completion is issued by both universities after successful completion of all requirements. The required documents and evidence must be submitted to the academic coordinators.

Academic Coordinators:

Cal Poly:   Dr. Marni Goldenberg
Cal Poly International Center website

HM: Prof. Dr. Ralph Berchtenbreiter
Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences in Munich website

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