Fall 2010 Newsletter
Live It, Protect It, Explore It!
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Welcome • Editorial • Conferences • Quiz Bowl • Tourism Conferences • CPRS D8 •
• Future Scholar • Fun Run • Project Surf Camp • Study Abroad • New Scoreboard
• Lindsey Crawford • Rho Phi Lambda • RPTA Club • Faculty Awards •
• Advisory Council • Meet the Staff • Donate •
By: Dr. Bill Hendricks, Department Head
Each fall quarter incoming students arrive at Cal Poly with exuberance, confidence, a sense of adventure, a thirst for knowledge, and a bit of the unknown awaiting them in San Luis Obispo. One of the hats the RPTA faculty wear is to challenge new and returning students to stretch themselves beyond their comfort level. In part, this means recognizing the vast array of co-curricular opportunities available that is a crucial ingredient to students’ learning and “the college experience.” In this issue of the newsletter, you will read about the steps many of our students have taken to gain experiences outside of the classroom. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '12), Editor, The Report
Remember the days when children played in their neighborhood parks and streets, chasing each other with sticks, playing in the mud and rolling around on their front yard lawns? Where have those days gone? Now as many of us drive down any residential street, the screams and laughter of children playing outside in the fresh air are absent. Where have they gone? It saddens me to think that the children who used to play outside now sit inside glued to the latest Spongebob episode or new video game. They sit in front of the computer for hours chatting with friends via Facebook and IM, instead of being outside and having actual conversations with friends. This is the activity or lack thereof that much of the American youth partakes in, and we wonder why childhood obesity has skyrocketed across the U.S. Read more
By Kim Saavedra (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
Back when recess was the best subject in school, the word “conference” often denoted a need to panic, as the thought of parent-teacher conferences crossed a student’s mind. However, as an RPTA major at Cal Poly, it has become a much less daunting thought. With professors constantly providing students with opportunities to attend professional conferences in our field, there is no need to run in fear, but rather embrace the opportunity to experience future professional possibilities and build connections and network with experienced individuals. Read more.
By RPTA Public Relations & Cal Poly Public Affairs
The Recreation, Parks, & TourismAdministration (RPTA) department’s first-everAcademic Quiz Bowl team of Amber Black ('11), Amy Lepp ('12), Kristen McClay ('11), and Kelsey Pavao ('11) was not satisfied with just the excitement of attending their first national professional conference; they were determined to bring home a championship to San Luis Obispo. They did just that. Read the full press release through Cal Poly News.
By Kevin Mould (RPTA '14) & Kim Saavedra (RPTA '13), Staff WritersAs many of us are aware, there are conferences aplenty when it comes to the recreation and leisure field. Recently, there were two conferences that had a particular impact on Cal Poly faculty and students: the Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Conference hosted by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) in Portland, OR; and The California Sustainable Tourism Summit hosted by the California Travel and Tourism Commission (CTTC) in Lake Tahoe, CA. Read more
By Annie Wagner (RPTA '14), Staff Writer
The 2010 District 8 Conference was held on November 5 in Santa Maria, CA at the Santa Maria Veteran’s Memorial Center. Dr. Greenwood’s RPTA 101 class had the opportunity to attend this district conference during fall quarter. In efforts to enhance networking opportunities and opportunities for volunteering and/or interning, Dr. Greenwood encouraged his students to attend. Greenwood states, “It’s important for RPTA majors to start connecting with professionals in the field early on, so by the time they are ready to graduate, they’re already linked to career opportunities and a network of professionals.” Greenwood went on to explain that all RPTA faculty value the importance of students becoming involved with their major. In addition to the entire class attending the conference, selected students were invited to volunteer and helped with registration, introduced speakers, and assisted with cleanup/breakdown. Read more
By RPTA Public Relations & Cal Poly Public Affairs
Katherine Soule, a Recreation, Parks, &Tourism Administration master’s degree recipient, recently received the prestigious “Future Scholars” award from the Society of Park and Recreation Educators at the National Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress in Minneapolis, Minn.
Soule was chosen as one of two “Future Scholars” from a pool of 20 nominees from schools throughout North America. Faculty members sponsored nominees; Soule’s sponsors were Bill Hendricks, RPTA department head, and Marni Goldenberg, RPTA faculty member.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '12), Editor, The Report
The RPTA Introduction to Program Design (RPTA 210) class has done it again! This year, the class planned and executed another successful Midnight Fun Run complete with a 5K race, Nada Rasta performance, refreshments, and 300 energized participants. The hard work and diligence of the class made it possible to raise $2,500 to benefit San Luis Obispo’s Special Olympics. The students in the class, under the guidance of Prof. Cynthia Moyer, worked hard for seven weeks and each put in approximately 40 hours of work to pull together the event that took place on November 18th at 12AM.
To read more about the Midnight Fun Run organized and hosted by Cal Poly’s RPTA Department, visit the Mustang Daily website at www.mustangdaily.net and search "Midnight Fun Run." Photo credit: Nha Ha (Mustang Daily)
By: Annie Wagner (RPTA '14), Staff Writer
Project Surf Camp is a nonprofit organization created for special needs individuals. Many programs and efforts have gone into designing programs that enhance access to various goods and services for individuals with special needs, however Project Surf Camp is designed to give those individuals the opportunity to participate in fun activities in leisure time and recreation. The main objective of this organization is to expose people to the water who would normally never receive the opportunity to do so. For example, Project Surf Camp uses surfing, the beach, and various ocean activities as fun yet educational ways to develop self-confidence and self-esteem in special needs individuals. Additionally, the program offers chances to progress physically and socially. The program utilizes volunteer staff to run the one-on-one instruction, which is where RPTA students have been and can continue to be invaluable in continuing this partnership. Not only does this help reduce costs, it gives a chance for “employees” to teach and learn simultaneously; camp staff volunteers receive feedback, constructive critiques and support from two paid specialists. Read more.
Photo Credit: Mike Jones (Azhiaziam)
By: Annie Wagner (RPTA '14), Staff Writer
Ever dream of studying abroad? So did three RPTA students (and friends) Megan Oliver, Erika Norling and Megan Murphy. This past year, their dreams became reality in studying at the International College of Management Sydney (ICMS), a management-education college located in Manly, Australia, just 30 minutes outside of Sydney.
This particular college gives international students the opportunity to study abroad in Australia. The program involves about 1,500 students from 15 different countries. Last winter (Australia’s summer) Oliver, Norling, and Murphy had the opportunity to travel to Australia to partake in an ICMS study abroad program. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '12), Editor
"GOAL" OR "TOUCHDOWN!" These are the words we all love to see flash across the Mustang scoreboard at Alex Spanos stadium at athletic contests. Yet, how do these celebratory words, flashing lights, instant replays, and special effects all end up on the new video screen?
The answer, of course, is RPTA students Robert Cooper ('12) and Ryan Swearingen ('11). When Cal Poly Athletics was deciding whether or not to invest in a new multimedia scoreboard for Spanos, they approached Drs. Hendricks and Brian Greenwood to see whether the department and RPTA students would be interested in assisting with the gameday experience. Hendricks and Greenwood jumped at the opportunity, so RPTA students are the first students contacted when students are needed to help manage the scoreboard and gameday experience. Read more.
By Kevin Mould (RPTA '14), Staff writer
Living with ALS is clearly no easy task. Otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, ALS is a motor neuron disease that decreases a person’s ability to control their muscle movements. Groups such as the ALS Association provide help and resources for patients by sponsoring support groups, loaning equipment, and funding research for a cure. The group holds several big fundraisers, which is where interns like RPTA student Lindsey Crawford, who works with the ALS Association’s Golden West Chapter, come in. As an events intern, Crawford works alongside the Director of Special Events and the Event Coordinator to help with some of their programs. Read more.
By Kevin Mould (RPTA '14), Staff writer
Alpha Mu, Cal Poly’s chapter of Rho Phi Lambda, the national honorary society for parks, recreation, and leisure-oriented departments, welcomed its newest members during an initiation ceremony held on October 18 at the Dolphin Bay Resort. For those who may be unfamiliar with Rho Phi Lambda, the honor society consists of three main goals; promote leadership, scholarship, and service within the broad community of RPTA students. Entrance criteria include: a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0; a 3.2 GPA in RPTA classes; completion of 67 units (minimum 12 in RPTA classes); evidence of leadership; and evidence of service to the campus and community. Students who qualify are notified and invited to apply, and this year 27 Cal Poly students joined the ranks. Read more.
By Kim Saavedra (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
Have you seen those fantastic black tank tops with sign language neon green hands floating around campus lately? Strictly translated, they read: "RPTA CLUB!"
Yes, that’s right, this year’s RPTA club has been off to an amazing start with stylish tanks and a record number of memberships. With a successful jump start to the year, the club has seen the return of several old faces and a ton of new members who are excited to be an active part of the RPTA family! Club membership has skyrocketed this year to a record high of 114 members thanks to the hard work of this year’s officers. The fall has not only brought new members but more opportunities to volunteer, socialize, and network in the RPTA world. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '12), Editor
Every year Cal Poly’s College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences(CAFES) awards a New Faculty Teaching Award. This award is given to faculty that have been nominated and then selected for their positive impact on students both inside and outside of the classroom. Cal Poly’s RPTA department is proud to say that two years running, RPTA professors have won this coveted award.
For the 2008- 2009 academic year, Dr. Marni Goldenberg won this award in “recognition of her excellence in teaching, professional development (research and grant acquisitions), and service” according to Dr. Bill Hendricks, Department Head. This year, Dr. Jeff Jacobs won the award. Dr. Hendricks added, “This is a fitting tribute to Dr. Jacobs, who maintains an incredible passion for teaching, a genuine interest in all students who come across his path, and an amazing array of creative teaching techniques that engage students in learning every day.”
Congratulations to Dr. Goldenberg and Dr. Jacobs for winning this award and for inspiring Cal Poly’s RPTA students!
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '12), Editor
This quarter, the RPTA department would like to welcome three members to the RPTA Advisory Council: Cady Wolf, the Vice President of Partner Marketing (North America) for Travelocity; Lisa Mayo, the Executive Director of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau and Film Commission (CVB); and Dianne Hoover, the Director of Recreation and Parks for the City of Bakersfield and President of the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). Read more.
Staff for "The Report" are nominated by RPTA faculty for demonstrating excellent writing skills in RPTA classes. Student writers then coordinate with the editor and faculty advisor Dr. Brian Greenwood to develop and write articles.
The editor for 2010-2011 is Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '12), and this year we welcome an all new staff comprised of Kevin Mould (RPTA '14), Kim Saavedra (RPTA '13), and Annie Wagner (RPTA '14). Read more about the staff.
Make a Donation
Interested donors should first choose "College of Agriculture, Food, and Environmental Sciences" and then have the choice of giving to the "Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration department" OR the "Excellence in Recreation Administration (REC Excellence) fund," which is designated to benefit RPTA student and faculty professional development.