Summer 2020 Newsletter
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Welcome from the Department Head • Podcast #29: Dr. Bill Hendricks • EIM Party in Place • Scholarship and Award Recipients • Faculty Highlights • Outstanding Lecturers • Tenure and Promotion• An Unexpected Quarter • Virtual Open House • Virtual Experiences & Educational Opportunities • Intern Profile: Emma Pirtle • Intern Profile: Lauren Borden • Outstanding Alum: Sara Torres • KPMG/MPI Scholarship Recipient: Susanna Hoffman • Meet the Student Staff Writers of the Summer 2020 The Report • Donate
By Dr. Bill Hendricks, Department Head
Since our last Experience Industry Management (EIM) newsletter, Cal Poly and our world have faced unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Faculty, students, and staff have risen to the occasion at every turn in the road transitioning to online classes and an entire virtual university in a matter of weeks to offer a completely virtual spring quarter. Our faculty have similarly paid close attention to the civil unrest, social justice conversations, and inequities facing our nation on a scale not seen since Bob Dylan wrote “The times they are a-changin’.” While we adjust to the new normal, the ongoing pandemic, and the societal issues that our country is grappling with on a daily basis, we have our own changes taking place in EIM.
After 26 years and nearly my entire career in higher education with one program, I will soon be transitioning to a new role at the university as an Associate Dean in the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. The move is obviously bittersweet. I love our profession, cherish the relationships with our faculty and staff, value our industry partners and colleagues across North America and beyond, and most of all, will miss the daily interactions with the EIM students.
Since arriving at Cal Poly in the fall of 1994, our students have continued to amaze me with their intellect, passion for life, leadership skills, academic acumen, enthusiasm, ability to manage it all, willingness to embrace and excel in a major that far too few understand, and in some cases their fortitude. I have had the good fortune of attending conferences with literally hundreds of students, working with exceptional research assistants who helped shape my career in wilderness and outdoor recreation research, engaging with student assistants who have aided us in reaching key milestones over the years, and teaching the brightest young minds in California. I have also learned about life’s uncertainties from students who have overcome unimaginable obstacles at a young age. I am extremely blessed to have crossed paths with so many exceptional people in my Cal Poly life.
EIM will be in good hands. We have already commenced with an international search for a new Department Head and Jerusha Greenwood will be serving in the position on an interim basis until a replacement is hired. There will be some pandemic related bumps along the road in the near future, but the program is strong, student demand is high with nearly 350 applicants to the major for fall 2020, and the talent and dedication of the faculty and staff is unmatched.
To our students, alumni, current and former faculty and staff, parents, colleagues, friends of the program, and of course my spouse Maggie and son Sam, thank you for the support, encouragement and lessons that you have taught me on a daily basis for over a quarter of a century.
I will be just down the hallway from the EIM office, so please stop by for a visit and keep those cards, letters, and emails coming.
Stay safe, healthy, and happy.
Experience Our Industry [#29]: Dr. Bill Hendricks
Dr. Brian Greenwood recently shared, "this podcast episode is "special" considering everything Dr. Bill Hendricks has done over his 26 years at Cal Poly to raise the status of our department around the world." He added, "when I thought originally about doing this podcast episode with Dr. Hendricks, I imagined it would be a retirement sendoff, but it's even better (although bittersweet) -- it's a promotion sendoff".
After 20 years of being the leader of our program and department, Dr. Hendricks as department head is moving "down the hall" in honor of his expertise and experience to the newest associate dean for our college, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. I hope you enjoy Episode #29 in the Experience Our Industry podcast series, as Dr. Brian Greenwood did when he got a chance to sit down and talk with Dr. Hendricks.
EIM Party in Place
By Perry Nalle ('20)
This year’s Experience Industry Management (EIM) End-of-the-Year Celebration may have looked different than in the past, but it was in no way less a momentous occasion. A team of 10 enthusiastic EIM students from all concentrations met weekly on Zoom to plan the event, led by Assistant Professor Andrew Lacanienta.
“It was truly unique to have a last hooray with all my EIM faculty and friends. The dance party was the best part,” said Hannah Rutter (Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration, '20). The goal of the celebration was to bring students together, celebrate graduates, and create a sense of fun in the middle of the dark hour of quarantine.
“It was really special to see our little community come together and make the best of an unexpected situation for the sake of celebrating our graduating seniors and reminding them we are still proud and excited to celebrate them,” said Geri Pirkle (Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration,’20).
The four-day Party in Place celebration included virtual activities each evening. Students were invited to join via a Zoom link to connect with each other and faculty. Monday recognized Memorial Day with everyone invited to barbecue together and write gratitude cards; Tuesday celebrated health with yoga and Zumba; Wednesday featured a talent show from gifted EIM and Cal Poly students; the event culminated Thursday evening, which several components, including a commencement ceremony hosted by Professor Brian Greenwood. In lieu of an in-person graduation ceremony, students “walked the screen” while Greenwood read their names in his trademark booming voice. Two videos featuring faculty and students brought the audience to tears with a heartfelt message from each of the amazing EIM professors and an especially touching message from Brian Greenwood and Associate Professor Jerusha Greenwood. The seniors also collaborated in video format to share their favorite department memories and thank each other for special moments inside and outside of the classroom.
“If anything, it was a little more intimate and definitely more unique, especially the dance party, which I was a big fan of,” Pirkle added.
More than 60 attendees joined on Thursday night, including parents and families of graduates, supporters, classmates, and encouraging professors. Lastly, faculty and graduating seniors announced the new Rho Phi Lambda and EIM Club officers, scholarship recipients, and outstanding senior awards. The night ended with an hour-long performance by Golden Bell DJ as attendees and families danced the night away.
Scholarship and Award Recipients 2019-20
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 Scholarship and Award recipients. The EIM department is grateful to have many generous donors and very proud of the students who worked hard to earn a scholarship.
Jodi Hamp Fisher Scholarship: Hunter Jones
Jerry Lee Frederick Memorial Scholarship Endowment: Jaime Rodriguez
Cynthia Moyer and John Bullaro Scholarship: Jordan Morison
Pismo Coast Village Memorial Scholarship: Emily Miller
Ashley D. Richardson Scholarship Endowment: Hannah Cathers
John S. Maher Scholarship Endowment: Brooke Matyas and Carly Gammel
Chester O. and Avis J. McCorkle Memorial Scholarship Endowment: Halie Cameron
Outstanding Senior: Reva Chadha
Outstanding Contribution: Morgan Cutter, Taylor Eagan, Anelise Wyandt, Serena von Hartmann, Abby Au and Sophia Tomeo
Faculty Highlights
Despite a challenging quarter, the EIM faculty continued their pursuit of scholarship through book releases, chapter updates, journal articles, grant funding and conference presentations.
The third edition of “Career with Meaning” was published this spring, edited by Associate Professor Keri Schwab, who also wrote a new chapter on leisure theories and frameworks. The text gives an overview of the many career options in the field and is often used in introduction to parks and recreation courses. Assistant Professor Kevin Lin, Associate Professor Jerusha Greenwood and Department Head Bill Hendricks also helped update chapters in their respective areas of expertise. Assistant Professor Andrew Lacanienta contributed a two-page breakout box on experience economy concepts.
Professor Marni Goldenberg will continue to research the impact of land management policies on the experiences of “thru-hikers” on the Pacific Crest Trail, thanks to a grant from the Agricultural Research Institute. This grant, in combination with a previously received McIntire-Stennis grant for the same project, will enable Goldenberg, along with Associate Professor Keri Schwab and several student assistants, to analyze and report on findings from dozens of qualitative interviews with PCT land managers and thru-hikers. Findings from this research can inform management policies and practices across several California land management agencies.
Lin recently published a paper from a study of travel motivation on tourists’ emotions. The work, completed with colleagues from the Netherlands, was published in June in the Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. The study found that motivation did not have a significant impact on tourists’ emotions over a long period of time, but that future research should continue to take a longitudinal approach to studying the topic.
Greenwood had several noteworthy accomplishments this academic year. He virtually presented “A Giant Look Back: Detailing the Success of the Last Nine Years for a Large-Scale Applied Research Partnership” at the North American Society for Sport Management conference. This paper included work by recent graduate Sarah Macias (Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration, ’20) and Sue Petersen, Paul Giuliacci and Cassandra Hofman of the San Francisco Giants Community Fund. The conference was originally scheduled for San Diego in May but was changed to a virtual conference. The abstract can be found here.
Greenwood was also invited to serve on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Sports Award selection committee. This annual award is one of the most prestigious awards in the sport philanthropy world.
Outstanding Lecturer
Jenn Prentice received the CAFES Outstanding Lecturer Award at the June virtual awards ceremony. Prentice has been a lecturer in the EIM Department for seven years. Previously she worked in marketing. She teaches RPTA 370: Experiential Marketing, RPTA 221: Professionalism and Customer Service, and other classes. She is well known and loved for her personality, easy-to-approach style, command of the material, and interactive classes with case studies and lively discussions. She engages students in real-world projects, such as pitching marketing and activation concepts for businesses in San Luis Obispo and helping design large- scale events. She is also an online storyteller for Visit SLOCAL, an active writer and entrepreneur with a business mentoring 20-somethings through their post college years, a wife and mother of two young boys. The EIM Department is happy to have Prentice as part of its team.
Tenure & Promotion
Congratulations to faculty member Kevin Lin, who earned tenure and was promoted to associate professor effective fall 2020. Lin has been with the department for six years, growing as a teacher and scholar. Tenure and promotion are granted to faculty members who demonstrate excellence in teaching, research and service and at the local, state, national and international levels. Lin has excelled in all areas.
He joined the EIM faculty in 2014, after earning his doctorate in recreation, parks and tourism management from Pennsylvania State University. He’s no stranger to California, though, as he earned his master’s degree in recreation, hospitality and parks management from Chico State. Lin’s research focuses on several areas, including facilitating better design, delivery and evaluation of engaging experiences through the use of data and technology. He has conducted extensive research in the convention and trade show industry and has adopted a data-driven, experience-centered approach to identify agency needs and visualize insights generated from data analytics.
While at Cal Poly, Lin has published articles on topics such as quality of life in China, tourist motivation and event loyalty. He also received several internal and external grants, which led to additional research with campus colleagues as well as student assistants on topics such as experience industry analytics and internet searches and the impact on spending at the California Mid-State Fair. Lin teaches courses in his specialty areas of convention and event management and honed his skillset to teach RPTA 424: Financial Management in the Experience Industry. He also mentors seniors through their senior project class.
Additionally, he has served on many boards and professional associations, including the Content Review Committee for the Sustainable Meeting Conference (2015), Faculty Advisory Committee at the International Association of Exhibition and Events (2017-18), Professional Development Task Force at Meeting Professional International (2017-18), and Young Professional Advisory Council at MPI (2018-19). He also served on the Signature Events Education Review Committee at MPI (2019) and is currently on the MPI’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
At the university and college level, Lin served as an Academic Senate representative at the Faculty Advisory Committee on Library; College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences’ representative on the E-learning Addendum Revision Task Force, and a member of the CAFES’ Open House Committee. He has also served as the faculty advisor for the TEDxSan Luis Obispo Conference since 2017.
“I believe having a voice at industry associations would promote name recognition of the EIM Department as well as Cal Poly and also facilitate potential funding opportunities and collaborations between industry and academia,” Lin said.
Clearly he exceeds expectations in all areas of teaching, research and service. The department congratulates Lin.
An Unexpected Quarter
Spring 2020 was unlike any other quarter. Due to COVID-19, universities around the world locked classroom doors and sent students home to safely learn via virtual modalities. All EIM courses continued to be offered in synchronous and asynchronous methods as faculty rose to the challenge of converting courses into Learn by Doing experiences that would still meet Cal Poly’s high standards for quality education.
Faculty immediately learned several new platforms for teaching online, and ultimately found there were many advantages to that method. In fact, faculty members Jerusha Greenwood and Kevin Lin, along with faculty from other departments, were selected by the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences to serve on the Faculty Support Network with the goal of helping all faculty create a seamless transition to virtual teaching.
“I found the opportunity to help other faculty in CAFES during our emergency virtual quarter to be very rewarding,” said Greenwood. “Not everyone has the time or resources to take courses through the university’s Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology or spend the extra effort to learn the tools and methods most useful for online learning.”
Both Lin and Greenwood have taught hybrid courses and participated previously in workshops about best practices in online education. Both were an invaluable asset to their colleagues when EIM faculty quickly transitioned to a virtual classroom and learned how to facilitate online discussions, record and edit lectures, present live lectures, create effective online assessments, and generally support student success in the new virtual environment.
“The spring quarter was a beautiful affordance to me, in that it provided a challenge to create meaningful academic experiences in the virtual realm,” said Assistant Professor Andrew Lacanienta. “It was great to offer students autonomy to work from wherever they wanted, and in some cases, whenever they wanted, he said about his experience teaching RPTA 210: Experience Design. “That autonomy allowed more space for creativity, deep work, and innovative collaboration.” He also noted that during his synchronous sessions, students engaged in “deep and connecting discussions and created wonderful experiences together.”
Professor Marni Goldenberg virtually taught RPTA 101: Introduction to the Experience Industry and RPTA 255: Leadership and Diverse Groups. That online experience allowed her to invite many more guest speakers than would be possible during an in-person quarter since speakers did not have to be on campus to present to the class.
“Having speakers come to the Zoom classes provided great insights and perspectives to the students,” Goldenberg said. “Being able to have one-on-one contact with speakers was a great thing.”
Goldenberg also felt that group projects worked well in the virtual environment. “Students worked together to create a PowerPoint and a Kahoot to teach a topic to the class and to present material different from what was in the chapter. They all performed really well,” she said.
Associate Professor Kevin Lin also discovered several advantages that he plans to continue to use in future quarters. “Although I definitely miss the good old face-to-face interaction, being able to teach online presented a few expected benefits,” he said. “Being able to record my lectures and upload the links on Canvas allowed me to move faster through certain content, and some students did watch those recordings after the live sessions. Also, having a mix of synchronous and asynchronous modules allowed a good balance of flexibility and the much-needed bonding opportunities. Being able to talk to someone and share experiences and struggles definitely helped us get through this unusual time.”
Virtual Open House
The faculty successfully held an hourlong Virtual Open House in April for admitted students. Each faculty member shared information on their EIM concentration and various opportunities in the department. Some 60 students attended and asked great questions related to concentrations, study abroad opportunities and extracurricular options.
"It was our first virtual event and we were all nervous about pulling it off. Between the open house committee members and the faculty and staff, we developed a detailed game plan, updated the presentation, and rehearsed on the day-of to make sure everything went smoothly. And it did! I think we did a great job with our virtual presentation and we also handled the questions really well, said faculty supervisor Professor Kevin Lin.
The College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences made Open House and other spring events as welcoming to new and existing students as possible. For example, Dean Andy Thulin shared in his Open House address the story of how one food science professor continued Learn by Doing at home by shipping jam-making kits, including fruit and pectin, to students so they could their own jam at home.
Held entirely on Zoom, associate deans Rich Cavaletto and Jim Prince both provided a welcome to new students. EIM academic advisor Dianne Korth and senior Kindra Fulton participated in a panel discussion during the CAFES Welcome session and answered many incoming student questions. Korth addressed transfer student needs and encouraged them to work with her office during the summer to review their curriculum plans. She also urged them to attend SLO Days in order to register for fall 2020 and to learn more about CAFES and meet other transfer students. Korth also talked about freshman block scheduling and what to expect their first year. Her important points can be found in the recording of the CAFES Open House morning address.
Fulton spoke about EIM extracurricular opportunities, such as helping plan the annual EIM Auction and Dinner. “Last year, I served as the lead for this event, and I got to see what I was learning in my EIM classes come to life in this event,” Fulton said during the CAFES Open House morning address. Incoming freshmen and transfer students have many opportunities, including the auction and dinner, as well as other events, to gain hands-on experience throughout their college careers. The EIM Department is excited to welcome so many new faces in fall 2020.
Virtual Experiences & Educational Opportunities
In RPTA 210: Experience Design, students gain hands-on experience creating events and experiences by working with nonprofit agencies, schools and other community organizations. This year, however, with shelter-in-home orders for San Luis Obispo County, students were challenged to create virtual experiences that benefited the community and met course objectives. With the guidance of Assistant Professor Andrew Lacanienta, students met this challenge head on and created several unique and memorable experiences for their peers and community members.
Senior Ana Waldburger and her team created an event called Cougars Connect, for a second grade class at Jackson Elementary School. In the event held via Zoom, four EIM students taught the children how to make a three-dimensional card and then write down what they were grateful for, the result being personal gratitude cards. The purpose of the event was to “provide a safe space for students to learn and participate in subjects not emphasized during online schooling” Waldburger said. Her team had learned that elementary age students were missing out on social interaction and creative outlets during Shelter-in-Home and virtual school. The team decided to create an event that would combine social interaction and the creative process.
Waldburger said the event was a success and it was very satisfying to watch children share their final product with one another and read aloud their gratitude statements. “We were able to really focus on the creativity aspect so the kids wouldn’t get frustrated if their card didn’t look “perfect.” The social portion… was the most successful part, in my opinion, seeing the kids so excited to talk with each other, holding dogs and even a newborn sibling up to the camera to show their friends,” Waldburger added.
The EIM student team learned much about event planning, communication, and being prepared. “I learned the importance of thorough communication when working in small teams and being prepared for anything to go wrong during the event and having to push forward. I learned to take into account accessibility, to ensure that no matter who wanted to participate was welcomed, regardless of what resources they might have at home,” Waldburger said.
Another event was a Murder Mystery in which players were transported to a virtual mansion to solve a murder. Participants were able to choose virtual backgrounds, costumes and characters as they played the game. “We strove to provide college students with a fun and unique activity to distract from the anxiety of online school… and an engaging activity [for] much needed human interaction,” said sophomore Iliana Mendias, who helped create the event. The participants paid a small fee and that money was donated to a charitable organization. “Our guests enjoyed the whole experience and thought it was especially fun when we read through the dialogue together, even going off script to improvise with comedy. We brought the ambiance essential for these types of experiences despite being online, and made it interactive and understandable, all virtually,” Medias added.
We all look forward to a time when we can work together in person again, but in the meantime, EIM students and faculty continue to learn and thrive in whatever environment they find themselves in.
Intern Profile: Emma Pirtle
Like many interns during spring 2020, Emma Pirtle’s (Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration, ’20) internship with the San Luis Obispo Botanical Garden was quickly converted to a virtual experience. But, she said, it still was engaging, challenging and rewarding. During her internship, Pirtle helped plan and coordinate the Virtual Spring Plant sale in April and helped prepare for the Fall 2020 Art in the Garden Event. Per shelter-in-home orders, Pirtle completed most of her work from home, using Zoom and other online tools to communicate with her supervisor and coworkers. Fortunately, Pirtle had previously worked part time for the garden and had established relationships with other staff members. While she had some guidance, Pirtle said the shift to a remote job required a lot of flexibility and independent work.
“Because I worked at a small nonprofit, tasks were delegated to me even if they were not specifically for my position. Learning to think quickly and adjust to new roles with little guidance was definitely a challenge at some points,” she said.
Pirtle put what she had learned in RPTA 210: Introduction to Experience Design to use in her internship, as she transitioned from what was formerly planned as an in-person plant to sale to a virtual event.
“That class really emphasized the importance of thinking about events and programming from start to finish, in addition to the importance of being detail orientated,” she said.
She also applied concepts from RPTA 370: Experiential Marketing and helped promote the garden on social media accounts and responded to Yelp comments. But because the Garden did not exactly know when it was going to re-open, marketing content had to be well organized to present an optimistic yet flexible attitude for the garden’s future.
Pirtle is happy to share that she was accepted a full-time position with the garden. Her advice to future interns for similar success is, “Be confident in your abilities while also keeping your team in the loop and asking questions when necessary!”
The EIM Department congratulates Pirtle on her past successes and new position.
Intern Profile: Lauren Borden
Alumna Lauren Borden (Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration,’20) completed her internship the way all events went this spring: virtually. She had the additional challenge of joining her team to recreate – in just a few weeks -- an event for 30,000 people in a virtual environment. Borden interned with Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. She had previously worked on the church’s worship team as its first female music director and drummer. This spring, she completed her internship by planning church events, managing social media, overseeing multiple accounts and subscriptions, and implementing new systems and processes to keep track of expenditures.
One of the first challenges Borden and her team faced was to recreate a massive Easter Sunday service in an online environment. Fortunately, she felt she had the education and experience to handle the switch. “It seems like COVID-19 is pretty much the biggest punch that could be thrown at the event planning world, and this is a great time to practice flexibility and thinking of Plan Bs,” she said. The event was a resounding success. An in-person service would have reached ;30,000 people the virtual service reached half a million online viewers. Borden was proud of her team members and their ability to come together and collaborate creatively, all from their respective homes.
Borden also managed social media accounts, including a unique series called “Worship Over Worry” in which church leaders shared a recorded message or song of encouragement. Borden made sure all content followed brand guidelines, was formatted properly, and posted on a set schedule. She also managed the church’s Instagram account, which recently reached 10,000 followers and required extensive engagement.
“Getting hands-on experience in the field you wish to go into is extremely important and can really help you narrow down what it is you are good at and passionate about,” Borden said.
She is grateful for the EIM courses that helped her feel comfortable speaking in front a group and communicating effectively and clearly. Borden said she still needs to improve on work/life balance as she starts a full-time position this summer with Saddleback Church. “If you really dive into your work like I do, it can be hard to turn off your work mode and give yourself rest and space to do other things. If we don’t get into the habit of creating margin between work and personal life, we’re bound to burn out,” she said.
The EIM Department is confident Borden will find that balance, and wishes her well in her future role with the church.
Outstanding Alum
Each year at the EIM Auction and Dinner, faculty are pleased to recognize an outstanding department alumnus. These alumni are chosen for their excellence as a professional and their continued contributions to the field and department. It is often someone who has participated in department events or contributed by providing guest lectures, informal interviews or internship or volunteer opportunities. This year’s Honored Alumna was Sara Torres (Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration ’15).
After graduation, Torres was offered the unique position as a global well-being strategist for Adobe. She was the first person hired to focus entirely on employee health. In her four years in that position, she built the Global Well-being Strategy and Program for more than 20,000 worldwide employees. She traveled to India, throughout Europe and the U.S. to collaborate with global partners “to build an inclusive and holistic program that met our employees’ diverse needs,” she wrote. She then transitioned into a new position at Adobe as an experience and collaboration strategist. She helped internal teams overcome challenges by using design- thinking methods and fostering collaboration and innovation.
Torres has since leveraged her skills and experiences to launch her own consulting business, Full Bloom Consulting. Her business focuses on helping other companies establish well-being programs and consults on well-being programs of any kind.
Always looking to give back, Torres is also on the Young Leaders board of the Samburu Project, a nonprofit agency that raises money to build wells for a region in Africa. She is also part of the Women in Innovation (WIN) chapter in San Francisco as an event and operations fellow.
WIN is a nonprofit organization that advances women as changemakers and leading voices in innovation.
“Perhaps more importantly than her career and academic record, Sara is simply a pleasure to be around. She is an extremely personable individual who is thoughtful, tactful, organized, professional and a natural leader,” said EIM Department Head Bill Hendricks.
KPMG/MPI Scholarship Recipient
The EIM Department congratulates third-year Susanna Hoffman, who is one of three students in the country to receive the KPMG/MPI (Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler/Meeting Professional International) Emerging Professional Scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to aspiring event professionals who demonstrate exemplary work in the event planning field and show promise for a successful event and meeting industry career. Hoffman helped plan several large events in high school, has worked for the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and has waited tables at busy restaurants in the same area.
Hoffman earned second place, which includes a $1,000 scholarship toward tuition and a complimentary MPI student membership. In her future years at Cal Poly, Hoffman said she wants to work in a variety of event planning-related jobs, as well as excel in her EIM classes to gain broad understanding and experience with a variety of events. “After college, I will apply this knowledge to my career at a venue that hosts a variety of events, like a winery or a ranch, where I can learn the best practices in handling different circumstances and people,” she wrote in her application essay. Further down the road, Hoffman said she would “love to open my own event planning business.”
This scholarship will help with tuition and fees, as well as provide her invaluable connections to industry professionals. “Our industry is based on connections and communication, and this membership will allow me to talk to professionals about how they got to their place in their careers and the tips they want to pass down to me.” In a time when in-person events are far and few between, having an online network and mentors to learn from is very important to Hoffman’s career trajectory.
Meet the Staff for "The Report" Summer 2020 Newsletter
Staff for "The Report" are nominated by EIM faculty for demonstrating excellent writing skills in RPTA classes. Student writers then coordinate with the editor and faculty advisor Professor Keri Schwab to develop and write articles.
Perry Nalle ('20) is a recent RPTA graduate who is now working for the City of Corte Madera Parks and Recreation Department in the Bay Area. While at Cal Poly, she was involved in Rho Phi Lambda, EIM Club, Kappa Alpha Theta, Cru and study abroad.
How to give to the Experience Industry Management Department?

How do I give to Cal Poly's Experience Industry Management Department and the Recreation, Parks, & Tourism Administration Program?