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Spring/Summer 2013 Newsletter Extended: Wise Words

Live It, Protect It, Explore It!

The Report, a newsletter for Recreation, Parks, & Tourism Administration, alumni, students and friends

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By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report

Prof Moyer with her husband Dr. John BullaroProfessor Moyer is truly one of a kind. She is wise and vivacious, young at heart and experienced, light-hearted and professional all at the same time. She is the type of person you go to when you need answers, are confused by school and life, and when the future seems super scary.

Professor Moyer’s journey to Cal Poly started about 20 years ago. As a graduate of Cal State Northridge she started her career working for non-profits such as the United Way, and later for the City of West Hollywood. She later worked on her Master’s degree while working for the Cal State Northridge Student Union. Not long after, her husband received a call from Carolyn Shank of the Cal Poly Recreation Administration department, and they made the move from Los Angeles to beautiful San Luis Obispo. Professor Moyer started off part time teaching and splitting classes with her husband. Upon his retirement, Professor Moyer took over the remaining course load and became a full time faculty member.

Moyer posing with Bullaro and Shank

In her time at Cal Poly, Professor Moyer has taught RPTA 110, 210, 424, and 463, has been awarded the Outstanding Advisor Award for the entire University, Outstanding Lecturer Award CAFES, and the President’s Faculty Service Learning Award. She is the co-founder of the RPTA auction and dinner serving as the co-director and CFO for several years, worked as an RPTA Advisor, developed the internship program and Special Olympics event, and contributed thousands of hours to the community alongside her students.

Professor Moyer has been the go-to faculty when it comes to “Finance, Finance, Finance,” as it is her favorite class to teach. Her message to students has always been, “You are all financial managers,” and she teaches each student the importance of being financially savvy and smart.

Moyer leads the congo line with balloons in handWhen asked about her favorite memory at Cal Poly she says, "There are too many to pick just one. There is a floodgate of memories. What I have always enjoyed is the transition among students. I see them as new students in RPTA 110 and at some point in their sophomore or junior year, the light gets turned on, and they get it.”

Professor Moyer knows she will miss the students the most, but says that the Cal Poly RPTA faculty is the best group of people to work with and that they create the environment for the students that makes them so successful. She is proud that the soul of the program has stayed the same throughout her 20 years.

Professor Moyer has made it clear that she is not “retiring,” but rather, “retiring to...” as she plans on traveling to Alaska in September, spending more time with family, and assisting with RPTA 424 here and there.

Professor Moyer has given so much to the students and RPTA program over the years. Her warm heart, sincerity, charisma, caring nature and honest advice are one in a million and the RPTA department and students are lucky to have learned from her.

Professor Moyer hopes all RPTA students, alumni, and faculty are successful in all their current and future endeavors and she leaves us with this advice:
“There is no life manual, give yourself time to learn things and know you’ll make mistakes, learn from them, and enjoy the ride. There is no such thing as the right answer in life, only you know the right answer for you. Once you make a life decision, just head down that path and don’t look back. Life is a trick question and in the end, you have to do what is right for you. School tells us that there is a right and a wrong answer to everything, but there isn’t. You have to be open to new possibilities.”

Cynthia with Garrett and Tricia after a cycling race

Professor Moyer is excited to find out what happens in the next chapter in her life and feels like a “graduating senior.” From the entire RPTA Department, thank you Professor Moyer for your unwavering dedication to the success of the students and the program and best wishes on your future endeavors! Professor Moyer, “Oh, the places you’ll go!”

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