Spring/Summer 2012 Newsletter
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Welcome • Like Us • Jodi Fisher • Hendricks Award • Jess Dudek •
Jacobs Award • Fun List • Cal Travel Summit • AVON Walk • RPTA Banquet •
Matt Clanton •Carina Hessmer • Jen Landers • Jackie Garcia • Costa Rica • Wildflower • Rho Phi • RPTA Club • Meet the Staff • Donate
By: Dr. Bill Hendricks, Department Head
As we settle into summer following our spring quarter and commencement ceremony it becomes readily apparent that Cal Poly RPTA is now well immersed in a global society. As you will read in this edition of The Report our students and alumni continue to garner international exposure in formal and informal educational and employment settings that sets them apart from many of their peers. These individuals clearly embrace new learning experiences, diverse cultures, travel, and life-long learning.
It is also evident that we celebrate community, as we did at the annual spring banquet, and that our community extends to alumni and industry professionals who have maintained connections with Cal Poly for several years. In particular while we mourn the loss of Jodi Fisher, our 2012 Honored Alumna who recently passed away, we cherish knowing that she reached millions with her unmatched zeal for life and passion for helping others. We also celebrate the life and exuberance of so many, like Dr. Marni Goldenberg, who are cancer survivors and who have committed to continuing the fight for a cure. Read more.
By Dr. Brian Greenwood, Associate Professor
Like most organizations around the world, we have realized the impact that social media can have in communicating with constituents. Academic departments have long struggled with how to stay connected to an ever-growing list of students, alumni, friends, and supporters. This past academic year, Dr. Hendricks enlisted Central Coast PRspectives, an on-campus student-managed public relations firm founded in 2005 by students in Cal Poly's Journalism Department, to help further our efforts in public relations and with social media. The main focus this spring was the development of a community page for RPTA. Read more.
By Hannah Baker (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
"Jodi literally touched millions of lives during her final weeks, and she has left a legacy that embraces those experiences and values that we in our profession so deeply cherish."
Dr. Hendricks spoke those kind and heartfelt words about Jodi Fisher, a 1997 Cal Poly RPTA alumna, who recently lost her battle to inoperable cancer on March 17, 2012. Fisher's positivity and liveliness shined through her, and it came to life when she was able to accomplish many things on her "Fun List." Instead of the well-known "bucket list," Jodi and her family decided to make a list of all of the fun things they would like to do together, such as go to Disneyland, shake President Obama's hand, and appear on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. Fortunately, all of these adventures, and many more, were checked off of the Fisher's fun list before Jodi passed. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
The Cal Poly RPTA Faculty is a distinguished group; many have received multiple honors, awards, university and national recognition, and scholarships. RPTA Department Head Dr. Bill Hendricks has once again brought honor to the department in being awarded the Distinguished Scholarship Award for 2011-2012.
This award is given to Cal Poly professors who embody the teacher-student dynamic and relationship by utilizing students and giving them an active role in their research projects. Furthermore, individuals receiving this award take their work and use it to contribute back to the local community, county and state.
Dr. Hendricks was honored with a reception in May 2012 and again at commencement in June 2012 and will be recognized again at convocation in September 2012. Read more.
By Eric Duarte (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
The term "chase your passion" is one that we hear often around graduation time, and one RPTA alumna has taken that message to heart. Jess Dudek (pictured, left of mascot), who graduated Cal Poly in December of 2009 with a concentration in sport management, has taken that slogan to heart in chasing her passion for baseball all the way around the globe and back. Dudek recently returned to the United States after an incredible experience working "down under" for professional baseball teams in Australia.
With that passion for America's favorite pastime, Dudek first started working in baseball for the San Luis Obispo Blues in 2008. While still at Cal Poly, she also worked for Mustang Athletics as a Marketing & Special Events intern. At the end of her senior year, she used these experiences as a springboard to land an internship with the Sacramento River Cats, the Triple-A affiliate of the Oakland Athletics. She was later brought on full time by the River Cats before moving to Australia. Read more.
By Kevin Mould (RPTA '14), Staff WriterIt goes without saying that the RPTA faculty is one of the hardest-working and most dedicated within this university, and it now proudly owns another teaching award to show for it. Dr. Jeff Jacobs was the recipient of the most recent Faculty Award for Service Learning at the Cal Poly President's 26th annual Community Service Awards reception this past May.
Dr. Jacobs was recognized for his outstanding contributions to the SLO and Cal Poly community by way of his RPTA 205, 302, and 360 classes, all of which incorporate some form of leadership excellence or service learning component. In his 205 classes, students undertake leadership excellence projects that seek to make the community we live in a better place by raising money to donate to local, school, and non-profit organizations. Similarly, in 360 students conduct survey research on behalf of several Cal Poly and other local organizations, and in 302 students partner with local schools to help teach environmental and outdoor education curricula. Read more.
By Kevin Mould (RPTA '14), Staff Writer
The wonderfully inspiring story of Jodi Fisher, detailed earlier in this edition of "The Report," has touched many people around the world. Count Dr. Jeff Jacobs and his RPTA 205 Leadership course among those inpired by Jodi and her influence.
After Jacobs shared Jodi's story with his RPTA 205 class, and when they learned that she had passed away, they were so deeply moved that they banded together to join in the effort by generating the "What's On Your Fun List?" campaign. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
Each year, the Cal Poly RPTA Department and its students, alumni and faculty receive noteworthy honors throughout the state and community. This year at the 30th California Travel Summit, the Cal Poly RPTA department was well represented. Dr. Hendricks, Professor Root, Caitlin Looney, Kirsten Locke and Natalie Moore all attended, and Becky Opris was one of four students statewide to receive a scholarship to attend the conference.
In addition, four RPTA alumni were recognized at the Summit for their accomplishments in the field and as emerging leaders in the California Travel Industry. These individuals were: Krista Rupp ('08), Sales and Marketing Manager with the Santa Cruz County Conference and Visitors Council; Corbie Smith ('10), Sales/Project Manager with the Napa Valley Destination Council; Courtney Winters ('11), Administrative Assistant with the City of Pismo Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau; and Molly Cano ('06), Director of Sales and Marketing with the San Luis Obispo County Visitors and Conference Bureau. Read more.
By Dr. Brian Greenwood, Associate Professor
On July 7 & 8, 2012, Dr. Marni Goldenberg, alumni (including Renee Costamaillere, RPTA '10, pictured with Goldenberg at right), and friends took to the streets of San Francisco in the annual AVON Walk for Breast Cancer. The "SLO Hooters Team" enjoyed the company of thousands of participants, as well as cheering spectators, as they walked to help raise awareness and funds to end breast cancer. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
Every year, the RPTA department looks forward to the always fun and eventful end of the year banquet. This year's theme of "Superheroes & Villains" beckoned 73 RPTA students, faculty, and invited alumni and guests to attend the annual gala at the Elks Lodge in San Luis Obispo on May 24.
In addition to a set of fun senior superlative-type awards voted on by RPTA graduating seniors, the department took the opportunity to officially recognize students, alumni, and supporters whose contributions have stood out above the rest.
The department awarded the following:
Outstanding Senior: Amy Lepp; Outstanding Contributions (Student): Kaitlyn Mullinax; Outstanding Contributions (Advisory Council): Tim Ryan of Pebble Beach Resorts; Pismo Coast Village RV Resort Senior Project Award: Amy Lepp, Ali Bickel, & Chris Devine; Pismo Coast Village RV Resort Scholarship: Jamie Dehn (pictured above with faculty); Thom Group Community Service & Leadership Award: Katie McGuire; and Honored Alumna: Jodi Fisher (presented to husband Shawn, pictured right with Hendricks).
By Eric Duarte (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
Matt Clanton, the enthusiastic and adventurous recent RPTA graduate, left Cal Poly's graduation ceremony with a one-way ticket to New Zealand. Clanton, who concentrated in Tourism Planning & Management, said he has always wanted to travel outside of the country and would have upon high school graduation, but he was instead convinced by his mom to attend Cal Poly. Now with his degree at Cal Poly in hand, Clanton has his opportunity to travel; the one way ticket means he can have zero ties to home and can create his experience as he goes without looking back. Clanton says, "The plan is not to have a plan. I want to explore, surf, meet people, and enjoy the simple life." Read more.
By Eric Duarte (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
In the peaceful, natural lands adjacent to Highway 1, South of San Simeon, RPTA student Carina Hessmer ('12) has found an organic experience as part of Centrally Grown, LLC.
The enthusiastic Hessmer, who transferred to Cal Poly after traveling to Ecuador, essentially developed her own concentration in Sustainable Operations, and she is on track to graduate this coming December. She has joined the team at Centrally Grown in a management capacity and is currently developing plans for a sustainable destination spot in the company's unique, secluded, and spectacular location in Cambria on California's spectacular Central Coast. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
Jen Landers hadn't anticipated that she would one day be the Manager of Facilities and Operations Administration at Stanford University, and she may not have anticipated the chaos that she now loves that comes with the job either. Landers, an RPTA alumna who graduated from Cal Poly in 2001, had a plan to go into special events. However, after working for the Cal Poly Alumni Center and doing special events, she decided that she wanted a different path.
After a friend set up a networking event, the pieces began falling into place. Landers made a connection with an individual at Stanford and later ended up working as the Scheduling Coordinator for athletics. In this position, she was responsible for scheduling facilities for 35 varsity teams, groups, and clubs. Not long after her appointment as the Scheduling Coordinator, Landers found herself being offered the job as Manager of Facilities and Operations. "It just landed in my lap," said Landers. Now, she has been there for five years and loves her position. Read more.
By Hannah Baker (RPTA '13), Staff Writer
As a rising third-year RPTA student, Jackie Garcia has proven herself to be a very determined and intellectual young woman on her way to accomplishing big goals. Garcia recently participated in an undergraduate public speaking contest at the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS) Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Not only was she chosen out of hundreds of applicants to participate, but she also placed third in the national competition. Garcia was representing the Latinos in Agriculture Club at Cal Poly. Cal Poly helps finance conference attendance for those who are competing in co-curricular endeavors, seeing the priority in sending contestants such as Garcia to represent the university. Read more.
By Katie McGuire (RPTA '14), Guest Writer
Some students get to go to class in a regular classroom and sit in front of a professor, while other students are lucky enough to sometimes move class outdoors, but the students in the RPTA 412 class, which I had the opportunity to be a part of, were fortunate enough to spend class for nine days in the beautiful country of Costa Rica.
Sixteen of us packed up on the Friday of finals week in winter quarter and headed out of the country for spring break on an adventure travel and tourism class with Dr. Jeff Jacobs. If you are geographically challenged, Costa Rica is a country located in Central America, bordered by Nicaragua to the North, Panama to the Southeast, the Pacific Ocean to the West, and the Caribbean Sea to the East. I could honestly say that it is the most beautiful place I have ever been. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
Every year, the RPTA Club packs their camping gear and puts on their best smiles to volunteer at the Avia Wildflower Triathlon at Lake San Antonio, CA. This one of a kind triathlon draws nearly 8,000 athletes and 30,000 spectators each year, demanding nearly 1,000 volunteers. Read more.
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
Rho Phi Lambda, RPTA's honors society, has had a busy year; from inducting new members to hosting sweater parties to planning a successful career fair.
And, 2012-2013 promises to be an even bigger year. Thanks go to outgoing 2011-2012 club officers Amy Lepp (president), Kaci Knighton (vice president), Lauren Ferrigno (treasurer), and Carrie Nasby (secretary). The club would like to formally announce the new officers for the 2012-2013 year: Caitlin Looney ('13), President (Tourism Planning & Management; Event Planning & Management); Laura Jacobson ('13), Vice President (Sport Management); Jamie Dehn ('13), Treasurer (Event Planning & Management); and Colbie Glieden ('13), Secretary (Event Planning & Management).
By Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13), Editor, The Report
While RPTA students are incredibly successful, ambitious, and studious, they do possess one weakness: the inability to ignore beautiful San Luis Obispo weather in spring. The gorgeous weather this past Spring beckoned RPTA club members to practice yoga atop mountains, volunteer with a number of organizations, make the annual trip to Wildflower, represent RPTA at Open House while providing scrumptious Snow Cones, and go exploring on the quarterly backpacking and spelunking adventure.
Members also had the opportunity to network not only with each other but with business professionals. Each meeting not only presented delicious pizza but also gave members a chance to stay updated on RPTA-related information, upcoming events, and volunteer/internship opportunities. Through hard work and organization, this year's RPTA Club officers Kaci Knighton (Co-President), Nikki Harth (Co-President), Grace Bowermaster (Vice President), Kaya Rader (Treasurer) and advisor Dr. Jeff Jacobs were able to plan a successful year for members. We agree, Kaci..."thumbs up" on a great year for RPTA Club!
Staff for "The Report" are nominated by RPTA faculty for demonstrating excellent writing skills in RPTA classes. Student writers then coordinate with the editor and faculty advisor Dr. Brian Greenwood to develop and write articles.
The editor for 2011-2012 is Anthonia Edgren (RPTA '13). Kevin Mould (RPTA '14), Eric Duarte (RPTA '14), and Hannah Baker (RPTA '13) are returning staff members who began in Fall 2010, Fall 2011, and Winter 2012, respectively.
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